
National Channel Manager


Job Description:

1. Responsible for department customer development, identifying potential customers, and achieving sales targets;

2. Maintenance of old customers and development of new customers.

Job requirements:

1. Strong team building and management skills, coordination skills, and market development abilities;

2. Good customer public relations skills, strong business negotiation, problem analysis, and problem-solving abilities, excellent resource integration and business promotion abilities, strongsense of responsibility and professional ethics, honest and confident, optimistic and enterprising, and high work enthusiasm, with good team cooperation and professionalism, able to independently analyze, judge, and solve problems;

3. Having strong sales skills and experience, marketing experience and channel expansion experience, strong communication skills, organizational skills, coordination skills, and team management abilities, and strong entrepreneurial spirit;

4. Able to adapt to short-term business trips.

Employment benefits:

Five insurances and one fund, catering subsidies, employee travel, birthday benefits, communication subsidies, overseas opportunities, and regular physical examinations.